“Obertura en cinc temps”
Winner of the prize Premi Diputació de València (2on premi) en la XIII Biennal Internacional de Ceràmica de Manises 2017 (València).
160x18x22 cm
Stoneware paper clay and terra sigillatta.
An overture is a musical composition conceived as an introduction to a long musical work, although later it has also been designated as overture some self-existing instrumental compositions.
With this work series I wanted to talk about a transformation process throughout time that implies the action of opening. Little by little the interior that had been hidden shows up. This enables the contact with anything being outside, making its way towards new possibilities that could give continuity to this opening process, or maybe to something completely different.
The title of the work Obertura en cinc temps (catalan) can be translated as overture in five movements.