“Emergents” Project

“Emergents” Project

Winner of the sculpture grant in the IX Edició dels Ajuts Felícia Fuster a la Jove Creació d’Arts Visuals 2013-1014, Barcelona.


The project presented here is composed of four works that start from the same origin. It’s from my previous project “El bosc subjacent” (title whose translation would be The underlying forest) that arise the ideas that move “Emergents” (Emerging).

We could say that there are mainly two conceptual elements transversely present throughout the whole project, even though in each work there’s one more relevant than others.

On the one hand, the link of the works of The underlying forest with nature, and their hybrid character of forms moving between reality of organic elements and the fiction of a rather oniric world. On the other hand the interest in the relation between interior and exterior keeps inviting me to reflection and many possible interpretations.

Video music: Algorithmic programming by Enric Lacasta.